Introducing Roll Staking

Introducing Roll Staking

Introducing Roll Staking

A simple and secure way to stake and create staking rewards for social tokens or any ERC20 token. You can start liquidity mining, yield farming or distributing your tokens with Roll Staking right now.

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Join The Ecosystem

Stake with any ERC20 token

Stake with any ERC20 token

Stake with any ERC20 token

Roll lets you stake and create staking rewards for any ERC20 token.

How does Roll Staking work?

How does Roll Staking work?

How does Roll Staking work?

Roll is building social token infrastructure to increase the GDP of the creator economy. Roll Staking allows anyone with a Web3 wallet to stake tokens, or launch a staking contract for any ERC20 token to create staking rewards.

Incentivize Liquidity

Incentivize Liquidity

Incentivize Liquidity

You can launch a staking contract for your community to contribute liquidity to a pool on Uniswap V2, Sushiswap, Balancer or any other Ethereum DEX and earn additional ERC20 rewards through Roll Staking campaigns.

Multiple Reward Tokens

Multiple Reward Tokens

Multiple Reward Tokens

You can deposit multiple ERC20 tokens as rewards in your staking contract. These can be social tokens like $SKULL, DeFi tokens like $SUSHI or anything you like!

Collaborate With Other Token Communities

Collaborate With Other Token Communities

Collaborate With Other Token Communities

With the multi-token rewards feature, you can collaborate with other creators, DAOs or protocols and grow your community by rewarding your token to incentivize other communities that participate on your staking contract.

Your Contract, Your Rules

Your Contract, Your Rules

Your Contract, Your Rules

Roll Staking is a Web3 feature for everyone and every ERC20 token. There is nothing in the contract that limits rewards or staking to Roll tokens or Roll creators. This is a feature built for the wider Web3 ecosystem to begin deploying staking contracts and staking rewards for their community.

Earn Trading Fees

Earn Trading Fees

Earn Trading Fees

Roll Staking occurs on decentralized exchanges that offer fees on liquidity contributions. Contribute to a liquidity pool with Roll staking and begin to earn trading fees!

Roll with Us?

Roll with Us?

Roll with Us?

Grow Your Community and Provide Liquidity

Grow Your Community and Provide Liquidity

Grow Your Community and Provide Liquidity

Roll Staking works with any ERC20 token. If you have a DAO, run growth at a protocol, have an NFT project or are a social token creator, you can use Roll Staking to collaborate and grow your community and its liquidity.

Roll Staking is currently possible on Uniswap V2, Sushiswap or any DEX on Ethereum. You can create a contract enabling users to stake TOKEN-ETH LP tokens and receive TOKEN as a reward.

Collaborate With Other Communities

Collaborate With Other Communities

Collaborate With Other Communities

In Web2, communities collaborate by going on each other’s channels, events or songs to grow their community. In Web3, you can now collaborate with other communities by strategically giving them your token as a reward (stake $STEVE, get $TOKEN).

You can also do this with liquidity. If you’re a big youtuber like Steve ($STEVE creator) and want to collaborate with another youtuber like Dan ($DAN creator), you can create a contract that rewards users who stake ETH-DAN LP tokens with your $STEVE token.

Multiple Token Rewards

Multiple Token Rewards

Multiple Token Rewards

When creators launch social tokens, the burden of token distribution usually falls on the creators. With Roll Staking’s multi-token rewards feature, the creators can facilitate cross community collaborations by rewarding additional social tokens to incentivize other communities to provide liquidity for your token and participate in the staking rewards as well.

For example, $WHALE and $LADZ members will receive fees generated from every trade in the liquidity pool, as well as receive both $FIRST, $WHALE & LADZ as rewards through the Roll Staking campaign.

Learn More

Learn More

Learn More

We have put together step-by-step guides on how to start a liquidity pool on DEXes like Uniswap and how to use Roll Staking.

Read along and you can always reach out to for more help!

If you have feature requests or ideas you can also reach out to

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Roll Staking?

What tokens can I stake with Roll Staking?

What are the incentives for me to create a staking contract?

Can I stake from my Roll wallet?

Any additional questions? Check our FAQ

Ready to get started?

Ready to get started?

Ready to get started?

Increase liquidity and grow your community by offering staking rewards.

The Roll network mints branded digital tokens unique to your online presence, allowing you to own, control and coordinate the value you create across platforms.

The Roll network mints branded digital tokens unique to your online presence, allowing you to own, control and coordinate the value you create across platforms.